For ages 3+

Choking hazard? Really?
Good thing they said ages three and over only.

No entering and no touching

I want to know the context of the sign! No entering where, touching what!?!?!?

That Darn Human

I'm fairly sure that is how Poppy thinks too.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Repent sign

So I figure I am: a loud mouthed woman, a liberal, a feminist, a pagan, possibly an effeminate man and several more. Although I think I am probably more unsophisticated swine than sophisticated.
Basically I'm screwed.

Erotic and eggciting!

I'm not entirely sure how I would feel if I were faced with penis shaped eggs first thing in the morning.

Literal cake decorating #3

There is just SO much wrong with this cake: under neat.... (In Green)... weeding.... congradulations..... And the "ET" written in three of the four corners was because the order was for someone who liked the movie and asked for ET on the cake.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I'm no adult

And not a very convincing disguise at that.


It's over! Congratulations to Senator Obama and Senator Biden.
Pic from.

Ear mirror

I sort of want one.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008