Saturday, November 14, 2009

Funny looks

Damn cushion. Had to be killed.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Single, and staying that way

I'm not sure whether to laugh... or laugh.

Task manager knows all #2

Why, yes it is. Why do colds always feel worse when the weather is nice?

Interesting fortune

OK, I'll keep that in mind.

Proper etiquette for pets on motorbikes

Above all else, cats are fickle. One minute they're craving the wind in their hair and the joy of the open road. The next minute it's nap time.

You'll need a well-thought out strategy to ensure a pleasant and safe ride for your feline friend.

Born to Be Wild
Many riders, like the one pictured above, opt to let their cat have access to the elements and free range on the bike.

This poses two potential problems:

First off, your cat may see something interesting on the side of the road as you race by and feel the need to jump off. This can really can slow you down if you're in a hurry, adding minutes of cat-retrieval time to your daily commute.

Second, your cat will have no way to transition gently into the sleep he so desperately needs.

Fig. 2: Happy Kitty

For more pets on bikes click here.
Thanks Ken.

Let Your Cat Be a Cat

At left, observe the proper way to transport a cat on a motorcycle.

Note that Fluffy is safely tucked in to a child seat with five-point restraining harness. This allows him to experience the feeling of freedom cats so often crave, while remaining safe, secure and, most of the time, asleep.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Taste smooth

It is infatuation once it eats!

Rolling Pin

Yep, it was the rolling pin that gave it away. For sure.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

At first I was like....

Love it. Love hedgehogs so much.

I'm going through this right now....

Must finish assignment, must finish assignment....

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Creepy old emo

So how much do you want to bet that he is trying to pick up 16 year olds on MySpace?

Good question

Because he is imaginary, and can't open lockers.

Camo dude

It's good to see his camo worked.

Shocker gloves

So I get the whole "Two in the pink, one in the stink" thing, but are these gloves suggesting that it is that time of the month? Am I thinking about this too much? Ok, I'll stop now....

A warm body

I love this - I love the little story the three frames tell. It's just beautiful.