Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thou hast goof'd


Plants rape me


Unlikely human achievements

The Doghouse Diaries

The whale says no


The Darth INvader

Star Whores!
Feel the force!!

Tongue Texting

You would get a very strong tongue....

It's so artistic


I back traced it


In your dreams.

I saw Inception last night.  I loved it.  It broke my brain. 

Funny Translator

Funny Translator allows you to translate a sentence in up to 56 languages and back to English again.

Sober in A Nightclub - 10 translations later I had: Measure Nightclub.
Sober in A Nightclub - 20 translations later I had: Proposed Nightclub.
Sober in A Nightclub - 30 translations later I had: The club offers.
Sober in A Nightclub - 40 translations later I had: The club is.
Sober in A Nightclub - 56 translations later I had: Club.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it - 10 translations later I had: Very fast-paced life. If you look, you can not miss.
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it - 20 translations later I had: Very busy lives. If you are looking for, you can not ignore.
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it - 30 translations later I had: Please give your life. You can find it, please ignore.
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it - 40 translations later I had: With their lives. Can not be ignored, can be found.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it - 56 translations later I had: In their life. Carter will not forget.

It's a like an Engrish machine.

Thanks Andrew S.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Advice on growing beards


Little girls versus Big girls

I do both actually.  My friend, Miss Tina, says I have a "high level of expressed emotion"!!  You know when I am happy, you now when I'm sad, and when I am angry you will think I'm sad, because I cry then too. 

CSI Gallifrey

Dear Hollywood, PLEASE, please make this show.  Please.  With Mr Tennant and a significant amount of Torchwood crossovers featuring a perpetually partially naked Captain Jack Harkness.  Surely that is not too much to ask.

People that would fuck anyone....

I learnt this lesson the hard way.
Stuff No One Told Me

Send me a pic?


Stop it Gerald.


Mind blown


Monday, July 19, 2010

This is why....

I am actually the reason I can't have nice things - my most recent effort was falling over and giving myself a black eye but I have also tripped over a pregnant poodle and sprained my wrist and most notably fallen while moving a double bed and been trapped underneath it (only for ten minutes or so).  Yes, I am a doofus.

For suicidal princesses


Pickolas Cage

Sadly, my brain being what it is, went one step further and pictured this as a dildo.
I hate my brain sometimes.

An awesome business


It's ready


Kylie and the happy bear


Harden Up


Motherfuckin' Popsicles


Mister Friendly Cat


Mmmmm.... Man Dressing
