Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ssss.... Aaaahhhh.....


If the penis was a muscle...


Eeeewwww.... Jizz.....

Your Picture Sucked

Are you sad?

I use this phrase a lot - I got it from Chasing Amy - I think the line goes "All every woman really wants, be it mother, senator, nun, is some serious deep dicking".  Kevin Smith is a linguistic genius.

GIve up dick?


Dear Vuvuzela Owners...


Justin Bieber's Vagina


Jala jala Peno-O


Sad Keanu meets Sad Lion


Senator Cat


Friday, June 18, 2010

Fun with hipsters

If I could run, I would do this.

Football Vs Handegg


Baby Mop!


One day in Tasmania

Our one day in Tassie was action packed!  We caught a bus into Launceston for the day.  Tasmania was one of the original convict colonies and Launceston is Australia's third oldest city after Sydney and Hobart. This is the Boag's brewery. We did a tour of the brewery, but no photos were allowed inside the building.  We then did taste tests of the beer and some Tasmanian cheese - it was very yummy!
This is a statue of Thylacines, or Tasmanian Tigers, located near the town hall.  Thylacines are Australia's most famous extinct animal, and many people, especially ARFRA, believe they are not actually extinct.
In City Park in the centre of Launceston they have a Japanese Macaque exhibit.  We were only inches away at some points, although through perspex.  In the first pic, this one was hiding from Sascha's camera, then I took this pic.  I think he was saying "I said NO PHOTOS!!"  I loved their fingernails.
We rode the chair lift over Cataract Gorge.  I had never been on a chair lift before and was shitting myself the whole time, but then was rewarded at the top.
There was a peacock and a family of wallabies within a few feet of the chair lift and they were quite happy to have their picture taken.  This was a brief moment when dad wallaby looked up from his umm... grooming.

It was a long day, but really awesome fun.

My photos are not that great, but check out Sascha's here.

My sort of football...

If the world cup was played by rats, I might actually watch it.
Daily Squee

Not a real shower


Brain wrinkles.

I'm a total celebrity-phile.  My brain must be just wrinkles.
Fake Science

The good news or the bad news?




I wonder if they'll get the message....


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No posts for a couple of days....

We are off to Tasmania for a couple of days tomorrow - we are travelling on the Spirit of Tasmania into Devonport and then by bus to Launceston.  I might be able to make a couple of posts, but nothing major.  Have a good couple of days, and I will post some pics on Friday.

If it makes you feel better....

Savage Chickens

You have been told


I am so smart, S.M.A.T.... Oh I mean s.m.a.R.t.

Well after a million years, and a hell of a lot of blood, sweat and tears, I found out today that I passed my Masters degree.  I am now officially a Bachelor of Behavioural Science, and a Master of Social Science (Criminology). Weeeeee............

Don't be one


Dance to the....


Simple solution for BP

I'll help.



Yankee Doodle....

The Warehouse

Monday, June 14, 2010

Video Game strategy

It's sort of comforting to know I am not the only one who does this.
Graph Jam

Concert Set List


Knife naming fail

The Lorena Bobbitt Special?

Breakfast then work


Sin Combos


So very proud

I love the smiley face.
I has a hotdog

Only beautiful oil


Simon Pegg is Awesome


A bench of memes


The lady on the sexophone

Married to the sea