Thursday, November 02, 2006

Have you ever wondered.....

What you would look like if you were on Southpark? No me either, but this website lets you find out anyway!

I think I like my South Park me more than the real one!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mel Gibson, Halloween's Scariest Monster

This is Gallery of the Absurd's take on the scariest tabloid monster of the year.

Check it out here.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Amy and Emma's Birthday Sensation

Well Saturday night was my cousins' Amy and Emma's birthday party. Much fun and merriment was had by most. One of the best parts of the night was that most of the Marks cousins were there - only Rhys, who is only 5, wasn't there. Here is some picture evidence:

A strip of pics as designed by Patrick.

A bigger version of the top pic. L to R it is Patrick, Greta, Emma (FEMBOTanist), Amy (A. Lew) and Me. The theme was "fake tan" - as you can see Greta, Patrick and I didn't go in theme!!

Our "emo" pic.
How I felt yesterday.