Thursday, June 07, 2018

Miles vs. Kilometres.


Tal Hartsfeld said...

The U.S. never did catch on to the metric system did it?

Big Murr said...

How does 5 "toe-mah-toe" come across as 5280?

Professor Chaos said...

I thought this was going to be the Zach Galifinakis joke about "Kilometers Davis." This was better.

Julia Jhonson said...

hahahah,,, good techniques...
I got it. but where from you got this?

WilliamRocket said...

Um .... its metres, and kilometres, ffs, meters are things that measure, as in water meter, electricity meter, while a metre is 100 centimetres, which is 1000 millimetres.
Sorry for speaking up, its really good that you all are scything of the USA and it's invading and bombing of other countries ....whoops, hang on, wrong thread....scything of the USA and it's outdated imperial system (wheres Princess Leia when you need her, Carrie ?) but pedants be like 'nah, its METRES'.
And was he rolling dice, or just the one di ?
If you ain't laughing, I ain't funny.

xX William from New Zealand