Saturday, February 16, 2013

This is mesmerising.

And I watched it half a dozen times before I realised it was "2013" and a snake. I'm so clever...
Happy Chinese year of the snake!


The Drew said...

Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your posts. It's the first thing I check on my newsfeed every morning, and my fiancee enjoys seeing/reading them with me. They make our day better, because it's better to start one laughing than otherwise.

That's all. Get back to posting shit! :)

-Some asshole in the USA

The Drew said...

Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your posts. It's the first thing I check on my newsfeed every morning, and my fiancee enjoys seeing/reading them with me. They make our day better, because it's better to start one laughing than otherwise.

That's all. Get back to posting shit! :)

-Some asshole in the USA